Examples of text customized

black text on white backtround. added space before headings. increased line-spacing
brown text on tan backtground. large main text in serif font. small headings in different fonts, colors, and borders.
black background. main text: yellow and sans serif font. heading text: large, lavender, serif font, and indented

About the TAdER Project


The TAdER Project aims to encourage product managers to include specific text customization functionality in their products (including Adobe Reader for PDF, web browsers, e-book and EPUB* readers, other 'user agents', and content) by:


There needs to be universal design of these settings for all computers around the globe, so that all computers—regardless of where you are—are accessible to people who are visually impaired, dyslexic, older, have neurological issues, etc.
Survey comment

Phase I — Completed

The first phase of the TAdER Project focused on researching, analyzing, and communicating users' needs. It explored:

Phase I outputs provided on this TAdER website include:

Phase II

We are seeking funding and support for Phase II to provide:

If you or your organization might be interested in contributing to TAdER, please contact Shawn Henry at projects@uiAccess.com or +1-617-395-7664 for a detailed project proposal.

Phase III

Activities planned for Phase III include:

Work in Progress

The TAdER site map links to some work in progress and rough notes on specific topics.

For more information

Shawn Henry

*EPUB = EPUB is an open electronic book standard developed by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), an international publishing industry body. Specifically, it is a distribution and interchange format standard for digital publications and documents that is based on Web Standards.

Note: Not W3C WAI

Please be careful in referencing the information on this tader.info website and e-mails from uiAccess.com as from the individual Shawn, not W3C or WAI. Although Shawn also works part-time for the W3C WAI, these are not W3C WAI publications.

Some information on this website may be included in WAI material published on the W3C website — that you can reference as WAI info.

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